
Education As A Process

No one can ever get an education, for of necessity education is a continuing process. ~ Louis L’Amour
 Unfortunately, too many people think that education is something we get only while in school. I see this belief in my students when they say things such as, “I’m so glad I’m done with my education. Now I’ll never have to take another test.” Fortunately for most of us, the bulk of our education and life tests lie ahead of us instead of behind us when we graduate.
The amount of things a person can learn in a lifetime is mind-boggling. According to Paul Reber, a psychology professor, if we measured our brain capacity in terms of digital recording devices, we have about three million hours worth of memory. This is great news! That means we can continue learning until we die and still not use up all of our brain capacity.
Even more exciting is the vast amount of learning we can do for free. Libraries abound with great books. There are all kinds of free online classes in almost anything we can think of. For just one example of free online classes, click the link below.

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